Are there risks to those with disabilities?

The wavering line between disabled and terminal


With an existing dysfunctional healthcare system and a troubling sense of being a burden on society; this law increases the underlying and unhealthy social pressures on those with disabilities.

Terminal – one step away

Disability alone is not a qualifier for assisted suicide or euthanasia, but many of those who have a disability can very easily become terminal. It’s as simple as refusing to take medication, not treating bedsores or not receiving adequate care.

There’s already major pressure on our health sector’s capacity to support those with disabilities among us. Many cannot get wheelchairs they need to increase their mobility, or medication to treat their symptoms, one-in-five can’t even afford to see their GP. The introduction of a law that doesn’t protect against these things is a recipe for tragedy.

The pressure is real

Those with disabilities are being pressured to consider euthanasia.

In 2019 a United Nations special report discovered health professionals' misconduct towards people with disabilities. Some are even pressuring them into considering euthanasia in Canada.

Awful attitudes towards disability

It’s absolutely shocking to hear the attitudes that are frequently expressed in the euthanasia debate towards becoming dependent on others for help.

Dignity and independence get interchanged in commentary constantly – as if someone’s worth is tied up in their ability.

No regard is given to the fact that thousands of Kiwis live every day completely dependent on others to help them reach quality and enjoyment of life. It’s very easy to see how this attitude can impact those with disabilities and sustain a fear of reliance on others that would say ‘death is better than dependence’.

Disability Commissioner’s warning

Our Human Rights Disability Commissioner Paula Tesoreiro raised major concerns with the Act we have made legal.

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